Why did Foxconn Workers’ Protests in Zhengzhou Happen: The Seven Evil Deeds of Foxconn, the CCP and Apple

The Chinese original article is here. Through carefully reviewing the whole processes of the protests the author indicted the collusion between the Foxconn, the CCP and the Apple being responsible for the horrible situation which led to the outbreak of the protests. 繼續閱讀 Why did Foxconn Workers’ Protests in Zhengzhou Happen: The Seven Evil Deeds of Foxconn, the CCP and Apple

70th Anniversary of the CCP Regime:Perfect Dictatorship or Empire’s Afterglow? (Part One)

It is true that the Chinese overseas students from the upper and middle classes are predominately reactionary. Nevertheless, now more and more people migrate to Western countries in pursuit of freedom from fear. A considerable number of them have become the most severe critics of the CCP regime and you can hear their voices on Twitter or YouTube. 繼續閱讀 70th Anniversary of the CCP Regime:Perfect Dictatorship or Empire’s Afterglow? (Part One)


Sud Aerien expresses his full solidarity with Cathay Pacific workers threatened with being fired if they “support or participate in illegal protests”. From the news we get here in France, two ground workers have been sacked and one pilot has been removed. 繼續閱讀 法國航空業僱員工會聲援國泰員工反送中(英文版)