The sequel to “The King’s New Clothes”Due to be Published on the 34th Anniversary of June 4th!

The northerners and the southerners did not believe Deng PK anymore. They decided to send representatives to talk to each other and finally agreed that they have more in common than they had thought, and that forming an alliance to drive out the king and Deng PK is the best way out! 繼續閱讀 The sequel to “The King’s New Clothes”Due to be Published on the 34th Anniversary of June 4th!


中共不願意放棄武統台灣,身為大陸的左翼和台灣的左翼,應該如何看待台灣海峽的危機?如何看待反戰及帝國主義?作者劉項有以下的主張,第一:中共是糟糕的統治者,不應由它來取代現有台灣政府統治。第二,應避以戰爭,不論是中國或台灣及美國主動發起都反對。第三,台灣有權用最低的武力捍衛其民主政體。 繼續閱讀 台灣海峽戰雲密佈,左翼應如何構建反戰立場?